
Government and administration

The Berlin state government: Berlin Senate meets at Berlin's City Hall (Rotes Rathaus) fulfills the duties of the city and state government comprises: 1 Governing Mayor 10 Senators Two-stage administration The district administrations, self-government of the districts (with subordinate authorities and institutions) authorities: District office and district mayor District Assembly 12 District administration Senate administrations as supreme state authorities (with subordinate authorities and institutions) 10 Central administration

The Berlin state government

Germany's capital, Berlin, is both a city and a federal state (Land). At the state level, the position of Governing Mayor of Berlin corresponds to that of a Minister President of one of the other federal states (Länder). The representatives of the state government are elected by the Berlin House of Representatives. The governing mayor nominates the senators.

The Berlin state government comprises:

  • The governing mayor
  • Ten senators
Kai Wegner Governing Mayor:
Kai Wegner (CDU)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Franziska Giffey Mayor and Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises:
Franziska Giffey (SPD)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Stefan Evers Senator for Finance:
Stefan Evers (CDU)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Ute Bonde Senator for Mobility, Traffic, Climate Action and Environment:
Ute Bonde (CDU)

Photo: SenMVKU/Marc Vorwerk
Joe Chialo Senator for Culture and Social Cohesion:
Joe Chialo (CDU)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Katharina Günther-Wünsch Senator for Education, Youth and Family:
Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Iris Spranger Senator for the Interior and Sport:
Iris Spranger (SPD)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Cansel Kiziltepe Senator for Labor, Social Issues, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Antidiscrimination:
Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Dr. Felor Badenberg Senator for Justice and Consumer Protection:
Dr. Felor Badenberg (non-party)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Christian Gaebler Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing:
Christian Gaebler (SPD)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck
Dr. Ina Czyborra Senator for Science, Health and Care:
Dr. Ina Czyborra (SPD)

Photo: Hans-Christian Plambeck

(Source: Governing Mayor of Berlin, Senate Chancellery, 2023)

Berlin's administration

Berlin's administration is assured at two levels:

  • By the city's central administration and
  • By the district administrations

The central administration

The Senate administrations, each led by a Senator, constitute the highest-level state agencies of the state of Berlin.

The Senate administrations are responsible for

  • Making decisions about basic policy;
  • Planning and supervising the overall development of the city;
  • Overseeing universities and corporations under public law.

Subordinate agencies:

  • Chief of Police (Polizeipräsident),
  • Fire Department,
  • Authorities administering justice.

The district administrations

The administrative reforms of 2001 created the 12 district administrations that exist in Berlin today.

A district administration consists of the Bezirksamt plus those institutions that have no legal jurisdiction (such as district schools).

The district administrations are responsible for:

  • District-level affairs;
  • Carrying out special duties conferred on them.

The Senate maintains oversight over the district administrations.

(Source: Press and Information Office of the State of Berlin (Presse- und Informationsamt des Landes Berlin) 2013)

Berlin is the center of economic and political decision making 

The major constitutional bodies in the Federal Republic of Germany are based in Berlin: the Federal Government (Bundesregierung), the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) and the states´chamber of parliamen (Bundesrat). Every one of the sixteen German states has an official representation in the federal capital of Berlin. Businesses in Berlin have a decisive advantage through their close proximity to policy makers.

Diplomatic representatives from all over the world are also based in Berlin, making the city an important hub for German foreign policy. Many embassies are located in the traditional diplomatic quarter of Tiergarten.

Federal Authorities in Berlin

The major federal authorities of Germany are headquartered in Berlin and numerous other federal agencies maintain offices here.

The federal authorities are administrative agencies of the federal government. The highest executive bodies of Germany are termed Supreme Federal Authorities. These include the Federal Ministries (Bundesministerien), the Office of the Federal President (Bundespräsidialamt), the Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt) and the Federal Audit Office (Bundesrechnungshof).

Subordinate to these are the Higher Federal Authorities. They must follow the directives of the Supreme Federal Authorities and fulfill those duties for which the Federation has legislative power. Among the Higher Federal Authorities are the:

The other Central Federal Agencies are each subordinate to a Federal Ministry as well. They are responsible for a specific field of activity nationwide. These include the Higher Federal Authorities, the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) and the German Patent and Trademark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt).

(Source: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany)

Associations and organizations

Berlin is home to the umbrella organizations for German business and industry as well as important economic institutions and alliances. Many other associations and organizations maintain offices in the German capital. The organizations and associations located here are an important component of Berlin's role as a decision making center.

Confederation of German employer organizations
(Bundesvereinigung der deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände - BDA)
Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft
Breite Strasse 29
10178 Berlin
Mailing Address:
Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände
11054 Berlin
+49 30 2033-0

Federation of German Industries
(Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie - BDI)
Breite Strasse 29
10178 Berlin
Mailing Address:
11053 Berlin
+49 30 2028-0

Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag - DIHK)
Breite Strasse 29
10178 Berlin
+49 30 20308-0
Fax: +49 30 20308-1000

German Confederation of Skilled Crafts
(Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks - ZDH)
Mohrenstrasse 20/21
10117 Berlin
+49 30-20619-0
Fax: +49 30-20619460