Why Berlin?

The influx of young people is attracting both start-ups and blue chips to Berlin, making the city one of the most attractive business locations of the future.

Patrick Reich, caleus capital investors gmbh

© caleus capital investors gmbh

caleus capital investors gmbh

Entrepreneurial. Dynamic. Experienced.

caleus capital investors GmbH (caleus) is partner owned real estate principal investment firm founded in and led since 2010 by Patrick Reich and Dr. Ulrich Weber. caleus invests primarily in commercial and residential real estate across Germany with a regional focus on Berlin.
caleus currently acts as co-investor and asset manager for a real estate portfolio of more than 135,000 sqm. Over the past six years caleus’ management was invested in and oversaw as operating partner a real estate portfolio in excess of €660 millions.

Investors without sufficient local presence can capitalize on caleus as a local partner. caleus’ success derives from its competitive advantage built on extensive local market knowledge, a sophisticated analytical skill set and a Principal Investor approach.

caleus capital investors gmbh
Herr Patrick Reich
Kurfürstendamm 59
10707 Berlin
+49 30 288778-0


TechnoCampus Berlin