© Berlin Partner

Economic development funding and financing

Entrepreneurs and investors are supported at the Berlin location by comprehensive funding programs and financial grants.

Contacts and sources of funding

Companies have an extensive and effective network of service providers available to them in Berlin. These providers intensively accompany a company in setting up operations in Berlin or expanding a location. Berlin Partner for Business and Technology is a consultant as the central point of contact for companies in all questions regarding funding:

The Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) is the most important contact for questions about financing and offers a range of support for start-up funding.

Programs for funding and financing

Berlin offers attractive funding opportunities for all phases of corporate development from start-ups to financing the next stage of growth. The range of financial incentives ranges from public loans to guarantees and equity capital to direct grants for investment and innovation projects.

Use the Map of subsidy eligibility areas to determine the appropriate business development funding zone of an address in Berlin.