Why Berlin?

Berlin is alive and full of energy. The best place for innovation and creativity.

David Weiblein, BTB GmbH

© background image: BTB GmbH

BTB GmbH Berlin

Our mission is to develop innovative, sustainable and affordable energy supply solutions for Berlin.

Sustainable energy supply is the modern response to rising energy prices and changing environmental conditions, both from an economic and an ecological point of view. That’s why we prefer to generate heat and electricity using climate and environmentally friendly combined heat and power, supplemented by a constantly growing proportion of renewable energy from biomass and environmental heat. Forward-looking projects such as the exploration of deep geothermal storage potentials and the integration of river water heat pumps in our district heating system continue to drive us.

Whether local district concepts with individual components such as local heating, photovoltaics, e-charging points, whether solutions for commercial uses with green electricity, absorption cooling and industrial steam or simply the connection to our district heating network with unrivaled low primary energy factor: We have been planning, implementing and operating highly efficient, tailor-made supply systems and networks in close contact with our partners since 1990. Our customers also benefit from our flexibility, our comprehensive service and a high security of supply.


BTB Blockheizkraftwerks- Träger- Betreibergesellschaft Berlin GmbH
Gaußstraße 11
10589 Berlin
+49 30 349907-0
