Financial services in Berlin
Financial center Berlin - The cradle of the financial business of the future
Berlin is a metropolis with global reach. For many years, the capital has been an important location for large banks and savings banks, as well as for investors, the stock exchange, funds and insurance companies. The central organizations of the financial sector are also represented in Berlin. In addition to traditional financial services, Berlin is an international FinTech location and is driving the digitalization of the industry, setting itself apart from other financial locations. The digital finance industry of tomorrow is emerging in Berlin.
FinTech in Berlin
Berlin has been the No. 1 FinTech ecosystem in Germany and Europe for years. Of the approximately 900 FinTechs in Germany, more than 300 are based in Berlin. In 2021, six out of seven German FinTech unicorns came from the capital. The FinTech industry is developing rapidly and is becoming an ever stronger economic and job creator for the capital. The ecosystem is already attracting countless skilled workers to Berlin. The high investments and VC rounds bring fresh capital for strong growth of the company. In 2021 alone, investments in Berlin FinTechs reached a total of 3.8 billion Euro.
Two initiatives, the de:hub FinTech Berlin and the Berlin Finance Initiative (BFI), have set themselves the task of expanding and networking the Berlin FinTech ecosystem. They promote the innovation potential of the FinTech players and negotiate topics that are important for the location, such as diversity, sustainability and skilled workers. Together they offer a range of events, initiatives and publications on the topic of FinTech in Berlin.
Banking location Berlin
- 652 companies providing financial services with around 13,500 employees and an annual turnover of € 3.95 billion
- 28 central banks and credit institutions with approx. 11,700 employees and an annual turnover of € 3.35 billion
- 454 affiliated companies with around 300 employees and an annual turnover of € 51.55 million
- 43 trust and other funds with approx. 90 employees and an annual turnover of €215.39 million
- Concentration on the districts of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Mitte
- Headquarters of central banking associations (e.g. BdB, DSGV, VÖB, BVR)
(Source: Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg, Status: Company register 09.30.2020)
Bank employees in Berlin:
Deutsche Bank AG with Postbank | approx. 4,660 employees |
Commerzbank | approx. 1,670 employees |
Berliner Volksbank AG | approx. 1,820 employees |
(Source: Berliner Morgenpost, June 2022)
Banks in Berlin
Banks with headquarters in Berlin (selection):
- Allgemeine Beamten Kasse Kreditbank GmbH
- Berliner Sparkasse
- Berliner Volksbank eG
- IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
- Berlin-Hannoversche Hypothekenbank AG
- DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG
- Landesbank Berlin
- Norisbank
- Sparda-Bank Berlin eG
- Weberbank Actiengesellschaft
Further major banks with branch offices in Berlin (selection):
- Deutsche Bank AG
- Commerzbank AG
- Bayerische Landesbank
- DZ Bank
- Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
- DGZ DekaBank
Innovation Labs & Hubs of financial service providers (selection):
- Deutsche Bank Quartier Zukunft
- Spielfeld Digital Hub by VISA & Roland Berger
- DKB Code Factory
- VR Ventures
Foreign banks in Berlin (selection):
Insurance companies in Berlin (selection)
Berlin is the fifth largest insurance center in Germany in terms of turnover. 26 insurance companies have their headquarters in the city, and all the major German companies in the industry are represented in Berlin, which strategically coordinate their activities from here, including in the new Federal states.
32 insurance service providers (legal entities) with over 1,660 employees generate an annual turnover of about 1.18 billion Euro, of which:
- 26 insurance companies
- 1 reinsurance company
- 5 pension funds and pension schemes
(Sources: GDV 2022; Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg, Status: Company register 09.30.2020)
Insurance companies in Berlin (selection)
- BVV Versicherungsverein des Bankgewerbes a.G.
- DARAG Deutsche Versicherungs- und Rückversicherungs-AG
- Deutsche Lebensversicherung AG
- Feuersozietät Berlin Brandenburg Versicherung AG
- Gothaer Finanzholding AG
- IDEAL Versicherung AG
- OKV Ostdeutsche Kommunalversicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit
- BavariaDirekt Versicherung AG
- Protektor Lebensversicherungs AG
- Signal Iduna Pensionskasse AG
- Skandia Lebensversicherung AG
Venture capital location Berlin
As a leading science location in Europe with numerous innovative company start-ups and settlements, the capital is also the top location in Germany for venture capital. In 2022, 4.9 billion Euro of risk capital was invested in young Berlin companies. The Berlin start-up scene therefore claimed nearly 50 percent of the total venture capital invested in Germany.
(Sources: EY Startup Barometer Germany, 2023)
Berlin offers a large network of venture capitalists who take on the financing needs in all phases: Venture capitalists, Business angels, in-house and university-related accelerators and incubators. Important financial conferences on private equity are held in Berlin, such as the German Equity Forum or the German Equity Day.
- over 190 VCs
- more than 360 Business angels
- over 70 accelerators
Venture capital companies in Berlin (selection)
Associations and networks
As the Federal capital and seat of government, Berlin is an important meeting place for German and international lobbyists. Accordingly, business associations and institutions have their headquarters in Berlin. There are also many specialized auditors, law firms and management consultancies there.
Associations in Berlin (selection)
- Association of German Banks
(Bundesverband deutscher Banken - BdB) - German Association of Cooperative Banks
(Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken - BVR) - Association of German Pfandbrief Banks
(Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken e.V. - vdp) - Association of Private Building Societies
(Verband der Privaten Bausparkassen e.V.) - Association of German Public Sector Banks
(Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands - VÖB) - German Savings Banks Association
(Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband - DSGV) - German Financial Services Association
(Bundesverband Finanzdienstleistungen e.V. - AfW) - Association of German Leasing Companies
(Bundesverband Deutscher Leasing-Unternehmen e.V. - BDL) - German Insurance Association
(Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V.) - German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
(Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften e.V. - BVK) - German Chamber of Tax Advisers
(Bundessteuerberaterkammer) - German Chamber of Notaries