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Berlin Business Location Center > Business location > Industry information > Energy technology and clean technologies

Sustainable energy and environmental technology

The capital region is chock full of energy! Berlin-Brandenburg is a production location and groundbreaking research region for sustainable energy and environmental technologies.

approx. 6500
over 60500
approx. 29 bn. €
annual turnover

Locational advantages

  • Numerous research institutes, universities and colleges carry out first-class research and teaching in all areas of energy and environmental technology.
  • Brandenburg is one of Europe's leading regions in the expansion and system integration of renewable energies.
  • As a capital of digitization, Berlin is giving an important boost to the continuation of the energy transformation, which is increasingly based on networking, sector coupling, and new business models.
  • Berlin offers attractive conditions and the best support for your company - whether you are setting up or expanding.
  • On the way to a sustainable economy, Berlin is guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) in order to advance the Capital region economically, socially and ecologically.

Why Berlin?

„We are able to find excellent skilled specialists and engineers for our facility easily; Berlin is a magnet for talent and highly qualified people. As one of the world's leading jet engine companies, we also benefit from this.“

Ulrich Wenger, Head of Engineering & Technology, Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co. KG

Energy technology in the capital is comprised of the industries, among others:

The environmental technology sector includes:

(Source of data in illustration: Berlin Economic and Innovation Report of the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, 2020)

Your contact

Wolfgang Korek

Wolfgang Korek

Head of Unit
Energy | Environment | Smart City

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

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What is Berlin's contribution to the energy transition?
Guest: Dr. Kathrin Goldammer,
Managing Director Reiner Lemoine Institut
22.06.2022 (in German)