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Games industry

A creative IT scene and a lively start-up scene with highly specialized businesses strengthen Berlin's games industry.

Berlin is home to a strong developer scene with numerous indie studios and pioneers in the industry as well as to international studios. The capital city has more companies than comparable major areas in Germany. The focus is on social games, online, browser games, mobile games, serious games, and virtual worlds. Experts see Berlin as one of the leading center in the games sector. Berlin also offers excellent conditions for companies in the emerging field of eSports.

About 350 companies with more than 4,000 employees generate an annual turnover of more than 400 million euros. These include development studios, publishers, distributors, and service providers for e.g. localization, sound, advertising, payment systems, etc. More and more renowned international games companies are drawn to the Spree. Here they find highly qualified specialists and talent from all over the world, networks, and international industry events.

At a glance

  • Location of successful companies such as Ubisoft, Wooga, GameDuell, Epic Games, Kolibri Games and Riot Games
  • Home to key institutions, associations and networks such as game, Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur, USK, Gaming Aid e.V. and medianet berlinbrandenburg
  • Excellent training opportunities for games, 3D animation and media management, as well as a scientific center for digital game research
  • International industry meeting place: Deutscher Computerspielpreis, A Maze, Games Ground and numerous eSports events

Training and Continuing Education

Hardly any other location in Europe has such an extensive educational offering in the games sector as Berlin. State colleges, private educational institutions, and research institutions offer study courses or training with a focus on gaming, 3D animation, or media management:


Berlin has become an international meeting place of the gamesindustry with numerous conventions, awards, festivals, and network gatherings:

Funding and financing

Dense support in the form of consulting, financing and subsidies provides the perfect environment for inward investment, startups and innovative projects:

The Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises and the Brandenburg Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy assist the industry with subsidies or loans for capital investment, salaries and technology-oriented R&D projects, as well as with infrastructure projects, competitions and trade show presentations.

Funding by the Investitionsbank Berlin
The VC Fonds Kreativwirtschaft Berlin has been conceived as a venture capital fund by the Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and the state of Berlin. The fund strengthens the equity base of small and medium-sized high-growth companies of Berlin’s creative industries by providing venture capital.
VC Fonds Kreativwirtschaft Berlin

Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
Medienboard funds all genres of high-quality, entertaining, and marketable games.

EU-Förderung: Creative Europe
The EU program Creative Europe Media promotes the development of innovative games and games concepts.

Industry map

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Justina Siegmund-Born

Justina Siegmund-Born

Head of Unit
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Creative Industries |
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Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

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Berlin as a gaming location - how playful is the capital?
Guest: Dorian Gorr,
Managing Director and founder of VERITAS Entertainment
09.08.2023 (in German)

Games Capital Berlin