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Berlin – a center for logistics

Logistics and telematics businesses enjoy optimal business conditions in Berlin: modern freight haulage centers, comprehensive infrastructure and quick connections to wider transportation networks.

TU Berlin is a European leader in the teaching and research of logistics; this strength is reinforced by many well-known companies headquartered in Berlin that develop and globally market a wide range of logistics services.

In globally networked markets, a successful region can enhance its profile with a high-capacity transportation and information infrastructure and powerful logistics systems for industry, commerce and services.

Berlin offers the following competitive advantages for logistics businesses

  • Central focal point for European traffic and freight flows;
  • European transportation node with six autobahns, ten main rail lines, two high-speed rail lines and three waterways;
  • High-speed rail line between Berlin-Leipzig and Berlin-Munich;
  • The Berlin-Brandenburg region has a very modern airport, express service providers on site ensure international networking;
  • More freight haulage centers than any other region of Germany;
  • Five freight villages in Brandenburg and Berlin are among the best twenty in the entire country. And more than that, the Freight Village Berlin-Westhafen and Berlin-South Großbeeren is among the best in the industry;
  • Nearly 100 larger logistics businesses and 26 research institutions working in the fields of transportation logistics and telematics in the region, employing 6,400 workers; A total of 200,000 employees in the logistics sector
  • Europe's largest center of teaching and research for logistics:
  • - Technical University of Berlin
    - Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Technische Fachhochschule Wildau)
  • The International Supply Chain Conference (Deutscher Logistik-Kongress Berlin) is the leading industry event;
  • Outstanding pool of highly qualified technical specialists and management talent;
  • Subsidies and incentives for capital investments, employee training, as well as for research and development projects.
  • In real laboratories in urban, suburban and rural areas, new technologies - for example using artificial intelligence - and mobility solutions are developed and tested
  • Berlin is the starting point for numerous new applications and business models for the mobility of the future based on innovative vehicle concepts and intelligent mobility management

Networks, initiatives and associations

Freight haulage centers in Berlin-Brandenburg
The freight traffic center with inner city locations as well as in the west, south and east of Berlin with their modern and efficient infrastructure offer the optimum location for every company. There is a reason that leading logistics and services companies have built their business strategies around the freight haulage centers.
www.gvz-berlin.de | www.behala.de

Berlin-Brandenburg Transportation and Logistics Association
(Verband Verkehr und Logistik Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.)
The association brings together all areas of logistics including shipping, furniture transport and warehousing. It also represents its members' interests and conducts professional development measures.

LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
The LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg is an independent platform for all players in the field of logistics and mobility. It sees itself as a neutral moderator between business, science and politics and, together with its members, stands for a sustainable value chain.

German Association of Transport Sciences
(Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.)
The German Association of Transport Sciences is a union of transportation professionals that work in or cooperate with science, business and administration. It is a neutral platform enabling the transfer of knowledge and experience between the theory and practice of transportation development. The organization's guiding principle is to promote the sustainable development of transportation.

German Engineering Federation
(Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.)
The VDMA is one of the key industry associations and service providers in Europe and forms the largest network of capital goods producers in Europe. Its overall mission is built around four core principles: "Networked thinking, networked actions", "Creating the corporate tomorrow", "Technology for you and me", and "Europe and the World". The organization providing optimal support to VDMA members includes associations for specific engineering disciplines, regional associations, central departments dealing with engineering and machine building topics as well as subsidiary service companies.

Your contact

Sascha Tiede

Sascha Tiede

Head of Unit
Transport | Mobility |

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

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