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Healthcare Potential

The close connection between research, business and healthcare institutions is the big advantage of the healthcare region Berlin.

Charité, Berlin-Buch, Rudolf Virchow, Robert Koch ‒ top achievements in medical research, outstanding medical services and renowned clinics have always been a tradition in Berlin. Through the close cooperation between science, industry and care, research results flow very quickly into application.

People in the region have access to a wide range of health promotion and prevention, care and rehabilitation services. At the same time, the region is facing the current challenges of supply:  This includes the needs-based distribution of medical services within the Berlin metropolis as well as the sustainable provision of care in rural regions, both also with a view to demographic change.

New, cross-sectoral and integrated concepts of health care and the use of technologies such as telemedicine or applications in the area of Ambient Assisted Living and Care 4.0 are becoming increasingly important. The capital region is becoming a pioneer in this area.

The supply region Berlin-Brandenburg in figures

  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the largest university clinic in Europe
  • 151 hospitals with more than 35,000 beds
  • over 14,000 doctors in the outpatient sector
  • more than 1,000 nursing homes, over 1,400 care and support services

(Sources: Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg 2022, KV Berlin 2023, KV Brandenburg 2023)

Why Berlin?

„Modern heart medicine can only succeed with highly specialised and interdisciplinary treatment teams. The University Heart Center Berlin being created jointly by the German Heart Center Berlin and the Charité will strengthen Berlin’s reputation as a location for the very best in cardiac medicine in close cooperation with partners from Vivantes and other medtech companies in our region.“

Prof. Dr. Volkmar Falk, Medical Director of the German Heart Center Berlin
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Falk Medical Director of the German Heart Center Berlin (DHZC)
© Külker- DHZB

Internationally networked

The region also has an excellent international reputation - the Charité alone has scientists, medical staff and students from over 100 countries. Many patients from abroad also seek treatment in Berlin. The World Health Summit, which has been taking place in Berlin since 2009, aims to make a contribution to improving global health. The GIZ also coordinates the Global Health Hub Germany from Berlin. This ecosystem also convinced the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence to choose its location in Berlin. From Berlin, cooperation around the world is strengthened in order to better identify, understand and prevent pandemics.


The capital region strikes with the highest density of institutions of higher education and research facility in Germany. The 300-year-old Charité, Europe’s largest medical faculty, is located here; In total, more than 130 health-related study courses and more than 60 apprenticeships are offered at various locations in the region to train future professionals for the health industry.

Some large providers and care providers in the region

  • Charité – Universitätsmedizin – the largest university hospital in Europe
  • Vivantes – largest municipal hospital group in Europe
  • Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité – a world leader in heart transplants and artificial heart research
  • BG Klinikum Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin – Rescue and rehabilitation of seriously injured people from all over Germany
  • HELIOS – one of the largest private providers of inpatient and outpatient services in Europe is headquartered in Berlin and operates three acute clinics as well as a rehabilitation clinic and various medical care center in the region
  • Immanuel Albertinen Diakonie – large diaconal provider with inpatient and outpatient services in the areas of actuarial care, nursing, care and living
  • ProCurand - with services in outpatient and inpatient care as well as assisted living
  • RENAFAN  – one of the largest German care providers with networked services in outpatient and inpatient care and assisted living