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As one of the core sectors of Berlin’s industry, mechanical engineering applies the latest technologies and is the world market leader in a number of segments.

The most powerful gas turbine in the world, the world's largest geared compressor, and the largest mobile lathe for repairing turbomachinery are just three examples of special machinery made in Berlin.

Diversity and innovation

The kinds of machinery made in the region is diverse. Start-ups, SMEs, large traditional companies, and hidden champions all play an important role in this industrial sector. Due to this structure, the Berlin location has an extremely diverse product and service portfolio, from classic toolmaking and automation solutions to the development and manufacture of 3-D printers. In addition, mechanical engineering here is characterised by a level of innovation significantly higher than the national average.

Why Berlin?

„Korsch AG is a mechanical engineering company with a long tradition in Berlin. The tablet presses from our production are used worldwide and stand for quality "made in Berlin". Innovation, design and technology are the key components of our entrepreneurial activity. With its dynamic start-up scene, Berlin as an industrial location offers ideal conditions for the transformation process towards Industry 4.0.“

Stephan Mies, Korsch AG
Stephan Mies CEO Korsch AG

Why Berlin?

„Mechanical engineering students at the "Berliner Hochschule für Technik" benefit from practical teaching and application-oriented research. With pioneering technologies such as the digital factory, virtual reality, etc. and current hands-on learning in small groups, the specialists for the products and production of today and tomorrow are being trained in the heart of Berlin.“

Jung-Hwa Lee, Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
Professor Dr Jung-Hwa Lee Berliner Hochschule für Technik

Interdisciplinary cooperation

Berlin companies benefit from the region's outstanding research environment. For example, Fraunhofer IPK combines traditional machine and plant engineering with customer-specific digitalisation solutions. Above all, the distinctive network between science, larger industrial companies, and start-ups ensures that a multitude of future-oriented technologies and products are created in Berlin every year.

In addition, there are the numerous development and technology center in Berlin which create an important platform for successful interdisciplinary cooperation.

International and sustainable orientation

Given the export quota of around 70%, it's clear that mechanical engineering in Berlin has a strong international focus. There are numerous contacts with foreign companies which create decisive impulses for future technologies. It is therefore not surprising that this sector is already making an important contribution to climate and environmental protection through the development of sustainable technologies. This is helped by the introduction of digitalisation solutions into existing production lines as well as the pursuit of sustainable strategies through the development of microprocessing technologies and the establishment of additive manufacturing processes.

Selection of scientific institutions

Selection of networks, initiatives and associations

Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. – German Engineering Federation

The Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. – German Engineering Federation (VDMA) represents more than 3,300 predominantly medium-sized companies in the capital goods industry and is thus one of the largest industry associations in Europe. The regional agency in Eastern Germany VDMA Ost is also responsible for the federal state of Berlin.
www.vdma.org bzw. Landesverband Ost ost.vdma.org

VDI BV Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) is the voice of engineers and technology. With its about 140,000 members nationwide, the VDI is Europe’s largest technical-scientific association. The district association Berlin-Brandenburg is one of VDI’s 45 district associations. In its region, it is responsible for the support of roundabout 6,000 members and everyone interested in technology.

profil.metall - Steel and Metalworking Network in Brandenburg and Berlin within the common task “Improvement of regional economic structure” (GRW)

Being a cross-state network, profil.metall has been supporting the profiling of steel and metalworking in Berlin and Brandenburg. The network is funded and coordinated by the IMU-Institute Berlin. profil.metall is based on four regional networks of the metal industry combining more than 100 companies and works closely together with various universities and scientific institutions. The network provides support to its members in terms of establishing contact, penetrating markets, public relations and lobby work, projects (regional and cross-regional cooperation), technology transfer and securing skilled personnel as well as internationalization projects. The companies of the network are developing joint solutions in the fields of lightweight steel construction using new materials, processing technologies involving joining technology and surface treatment, a range of systems in plant manufacturing, tank construction, valve construction and modern energy technology methods.

ME-Network - Network of the Metal and Electrical Industry

The ME-Network is a platform for the information and experience exchange between the companies of the metal and electrical industry in Berlin and Brandenburg. The ME-Network is an initiative of the Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg (VME). It has been initiated in 2007 within the scope of the cluster strategy of the state of Brandenburg.

Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg

The Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg (VME) is the voluntary and solidary consolidation of companies of the largest industry sector in the common economic space Berlin-Brandenburg. Its members belong to the following sectors: automobile industry and manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock, mechanical and plant engineering, energy technology, medical technology, electrical engineering and electronics, aerospace industry, metalworking and processing, fine mechanics and photonics.

Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V.

The Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V. is an interest group and advocacy for the technology-oriented enterprises located at the science, business and media location Adlershof.

German Association for Materials Research and Testing (DVM)

The German Association for Materials Research and Testing is putting emphasis on the promotion of cross-sector knowledge transfer in the fields of material science, material and component testing.

Selection of company builders, incubators, accelerators, and labs

WATTx is a venture builder focused on shaping new and rapidly developing industries.

MotionLab.Berlin offers hardware-oriented startups prototyping space in a large production hall in Treptow-Köpenick to promote creative synergies.

Further innovation and creative labs in Berlin

Your contact

David Hampel

David Hampel

Head of Unit
Manufacturing Industries

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

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