
Now featuring data on Potsdam

Multi-dimensional Berlin with detailed information on the entire city area - this is what the Berlin Economic Atlas offers. This offer is now also available for the state capital Potsdam.

The Berlin Economic Atlas provides national and international companies with industry-specific, infrastructural and planning-related information. Among other things, locations of companies from various industries, universities and colleges, scientific institutions, co-working spaces, development plans with the textual regulations, land values ​​and land use plans can be accessed.

This digital instrument is compact, clear, 2 and 3 dimensional. Open data are available. Both cities were flown over in August 2023 for the 3D mesh model.

Dr. Stefan Franzke, CEO of Berlin Partner: “With the Economic Atlas, all information can be retrieved easily, quickly and virtually - and now also beyond the state border for Potsdam. The Economic Atlas is like a digital twin of our city that is alive and constantly evolving. There is hardly a simpler and more uncomplicated way to get reliable and up-to-date information for companies about Berlin as a business location - all in one place.”

“We are pleased about the good cooperation with the State of Berlin and about the expansion of the Berlin Economic Atlas to include the Potsdam area. That is good and modern business development: Companies consider location factors in the capital region rather than municipal or national borders. With the partnership agreement between the Berlin Business Location Centre and the State capital Potsdam, the cooperation goes beyond the representations in the Economic Atlas and also creates good networks for both sides,” says Bernd Rubelt, Deputy Mayor for Urban Development, Construction, Economy and Environment of the State capital Potsdam.

The Berlin Economic Atlas is a service provided by the business development agency Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH and the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

Further information on the Berlin Economic Atlas can be found at:
Berlin Economic Atlas - the German capital in 2D and 3D

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Carolin Meltendorf

Carolin Meltendorf


Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

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Berlin Economy Overview Map

The Berlin Economy Overview Map provides specific industry and infrastructure information for any location in Berlin.