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Mode- und Designindustrie

Berlin hat sich mit rund 200.000 Besuchern von Messen, Modenschauen und Fashion Shows in den TOP 5 der Modestandorte weltweit etabliert und ist auch in Sachen Design eine aufstrebende Stadt.

Mit ca. 4.800 Unternehmen der Modewirtschaft und etwa 25.500 Beschäftigten ist Berlin die deutsche Modehauptstadt mit der höchsten Dichte an Modeunternehmen in Deutschland. Sie erzielten einen Umsatz von ca. fünf Milliarden Euro. Zahlreiche Einkaufsmeilen und Flagshipstores internationaler Marken locken Modebegeisterte und Touristen aus aller Welt.

Zweimal jährlich macht die Berlin Fashion Week die Hauptstadt zur internationalen Bühne für Fashion und Lifestyle und zur Plattform für ein breit gefächertes Markenportfolio. Berlins Modebranche ist lebendig, nachhaltig und innovativ. Mit dem vom Senat unterstützten Berlin Fashion Hub - VORN fördert Berlin Ideen zur nachhaltigen und grünen Mode und stärkt den Modestandort Berlin.

(Quelle: Projekt Zukunft, Zahlen der Berliner Modebranche, Stand: 2021)

Berlin war erste europäische "UNESCO-Stadt des Designs"

Berlin wurde 2006 als erste europäische Stadt von der UN-Kulturorganisation UNESCO mit dem Titel "Stadt des Designs" gewürdigt. Damit trat Berlin dem weltweiten Netzwerk "Creative Cities" bei, neben Städten wie Buenos Aires, Edinburgh und Shanghai.

Fakten und Trends

  • Die Berliner Modebranche bietet ein Spektrum von hochpreisiger Couture und Schneiderkunst über Eco Fashion bis zur Streetwear, von Einzelstücken bis hin zu breiten Kollektionen an. Auch die Accessoire- und Schuh-Sparte gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung.
  • Green Fashion und Upcycling liegen stark im Trend: immer mehr Berliner Modelabels berücksichtigen in der Produktion Nachhaltigkeitskriterien (z.B. Trippen, Folkdays, Jyoti, Schmidttakahashi, Ewa Herzog, Natascha von Hirschhausen u.v.m.)
  • Moderne Ordercenter und Showrooms bieten dem Großhandel außergewöhnliche Schauflächen.
  • Fashion-Tech und Smart textiles kommen auch in Berlin nicht zu kurz: Mehr als 50 Unternehmen und junge digitale Startups beleben das Business und reißen Branchengrenzen nieder (z.B. Lukso, Yoona Ventures).
  • Verdichtete Wertschöpfungskette: viele neue Agenturen (PR/ Vertrieb), Produktionsdienstleister bis hin zu großen Online-Plattformen sind in den letzten Jahren hinzugekommen.
  • In Berlin gibt es die meisten Ausbildungsstätten für Mode in Europa, jährlich schließen rund 300 Absolventen an den insgesamt dreizehn Berliner Modeschulen ihre Ausbildung ab.
  • Berlin steht für Talente: Zahlreiche Auszeichnungen gehen an Modelabels aus Berlin
  • Ein breites Forschungsnetzwerk bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung: Haute InnovationIVAMdesign Research lab (UdK), Textile Prototyping LabFraunhofer IZM, Berlin Open Lab

Awards und Acceleratoren



The Redress Design Award is the world’s largest sustainable fashion design competition. Organised by Redress, the competition works to educate talented fashion designers around the world about sustainable design theories and techniques in order to drive growth towards a circular fashion system. Hereby a unique platform is created for passionate and talented fashion game-changers to transform the global fashion industry and honours the best with career-changing prizes to maximise long-term impact.

Global Change Award

Global Change Award is an innovation challenge initiated by H&M Foundation, aiming to make fashion circular. After intricate consideration, our top five projects have been awarded. A one million grant is shared by their creators, who join a year-long accelerator to bring their innovative work to the global market.

European Fashion Award FASH

The European Fashion Award FASH is an international fashion competition for creative and trend-setting collections from Europe. Outstanding achievements with own handwriting in the design should be promoted. Fashion creators with a completed master's degree or several years of professional experience can apply for the prize. The prize will be awarded to a collection whose outstanding concept, for example in the fields of dress to wear, modern couture, trash, innovation or sustainability convinces, explores aspects of modern society and current developments in design terms and provides clear statements in provides this context.


The aim of the Wilhelm Lorch Foundation is to promote qualified talents. It is carried by personalities and companies in the textile and fashion industry. If you are working in the industry or are preparing to start working in the field of apprenticeship or studies, if you are interested in continuing your professional development, then you may be the right candidate to become a winner of the Wilhelm Lorch Foundation.


The promotion of young talents is an important topic at MEISTERKREIS. MEISTERKREIS unites people, companies and institutions that stand for creativity and the highest quality from and in Germany. The Zukunftsmeister program supports young companies from Germany who are committed to the values of the MEISTERKREIS and have not yet reached the size of a company for a membership. Associated with the award is a two-year mentoring program conducted in cooperation with the MEISTERKREIS members. The mentoring program consists of coaching sessions and workshops with the members, as well as the opportunity to participate in all MEISTERKREIS events.


The PREMIUM GROUP (PREMIUM INTERNATIONAL FASHION TRADE SHOW) invests heavily in young companies - partly with favourable conditions for trade fair stands or with manpower and reach through communication. Within the group, PREMIUM itself occupies a leading position in the promotion of young talent. Since 2005, young talents have been sustainably supported there in the long term.

ISPO Textrends

With ISPO Textrends, ISPO awards innovative fabrics and production components of sportswear twice a year. An international jury assesses the participants most innovative product and benefits the best entries with numerous sales-promoting measures and marketing services.


DesignFarm promotes the development of exploitation and startup strategies in the design-in-tech sector in three different directions product-related innovations, innovative manufacturing processes and competence-based foundations by giving grants to design-oriented startups.

Tex Started

Tex Started is looking monthly for the "Startup of the Month" of the textile and fashion industry to promote innovation and give founders access to an excellent network.

Fashion Council Germany

The FCG GERMAN SUSTAIN CONCEPT was aimed at all young designers or young fashion labels based in Germany who work in the field of sustainability. The winners then have access to coaching and unique presentation options.


The iF Design Award honours the latest trends and innovations in the product, packaging, communication, interior design, technical concept, service design and architecture categories. Open to companies, designers, agencies and architects.

Fashion for Good

Innovators who focus on one of the areas of Raw Material Dyeing & Finishing, Manufacturing, Retail, End-of-Use or Transparency & Traceability can apply and win the participation in a three-month Accelerator Programme.


Deutscher RecyclingDesignpreis

The RecyclingDesignpreis is a competition for the design of new products from waste and residues. They are looking for innovative upcycling ideas, new developments in the fields of materials research and circular economy, social design or transformation design - imaginative, visionary, original, sustainable.


The competition identifies the most sustainable companies in Germany and pays tribute to pioneers who are breaking new ground: with innovative products and services, high ecological standards in production or special social responsibility in their value chain. Small, medium and large companies from all sectors who successfully commit themselves to sustainable business can apply. Companies that have issued a declaration of compliance with the German Sustainability Code can participate with this declaration.

Bundespreis Ecodesign

The Bundesspreis Ecodesign aims to promote sustainable production and sustainable consumption. In addition to submissions from the consumer and durable goods sector, capital goods are in demand, as well as sustainable services, system solutions and forward-looking concepts. Companies of all industries and sizes can apply. Startups or market leaders, local suppliers or global players are as much addressed as design offices and marketing agencies, architecture or engineering firms. It is important that the product submitted is available on the German market or is intended as a service or concept. Under this premise, international companies are also admitted as competitors.

Green Product Award

The International Green Product Award offers a platform for manufacturers, design studios, agencies that are characterized by their products and services in terms of design, innovation and sustainability and who want to present themselves on the German market. It is assigned in different categories e.g. Fashion Room.

Internationale Fairtrade Awards

The award honours companies and civil society who have been exemplary in their efforts to promote the Fairtrade idea and aims to re-focus on the development of fair trade through the inspiration of stakeholders and as a platform for communicating exemplary work for Fairtrade in Germany.

Projekt Nachhaltigkeit

The project searches for your projects and initiatives that are forward-looking for sustainable development and contribute to the implementation of the Global Development Goals. The main themes for 2019 are Economy, Urban-rural / Rural, Sustainable Consumption and Social Justice. Projects that cannot be assigned to a priority topic can also be submitted. In the electronic questionnaire further topics in the dropdown menu are freely selectable.

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis: NEA

The Next Economy Award honours startups that focus on sustainability and the green economy. It is intended to give green founders a tailwind and to support startups whose innovative business models seek social and ecological improvements.

Green Buddy Award

The Green Buddy Award offers a platform for committed companies, where ecology and sustainability are part of the company's own philosophy. Applications from all over Berlin can be made in the categories retail, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and Smart City Solutions. For applicants from Tempelhof-Schoeneberg there are also the categories eco-friendly production and Young Green Buddy Award available.

StartGreen Award

The StartGreen Award strengthens founders of the Green Economy. It supports innovative startups in the field of climate protection and sustainability and makes them visible. This year, the Community Award for the green startup scene will be presented in different categories: Startup concepts (not yet established) and Startups (up to 5 years)

Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit

The ZEIT WISSEN Prize Courage to Sustainability is awarded to pioneers who make an outstanding contribution to sustainable development. The prize and the award-winning projects are intended to provide impetus for sustainability initiatives in science and industry. The prize will be awarded in the categories knowledge, trade and intermediate.


The Green Awards are awarded during the GreenTech Festival. The new categories “Rising Star of the Year”, “Startup of the Year”, “Innovation of the Year” and “Game Changer of the Year” are open to all technology areas. All green ideas now find their framework in the competition.

Sustainability Heroes Awards

The prize will be awarded in various categories at the DQS Sustainability Conference. The focus of DQS CFS is on sustainability, food and consumer safety. Not only large corporations but also explicitly small and medium-sized companies are addressed.

Mein gutes Beispiel

"My good example" is a nationwide award for the social commitment of small, medium-sized and family-run companies. The aim is to make the existing commitment of family-run and medium-sized companies visible.

Nachhaltigkeitspreis der Neumarkter Lammsbräu

For the 17th time already, Neumarkter Lammsbräu honoured people and organisations that make a special contribution to better environmental and living conditions. Anyone who promotes the culture of sustainability can receive our Sustainability Award. The prize, worth a total of 10,000 euros, is awarded in six categories: NGOs, companies, innovation, media representatives, Lammsbräu employees and outstanding commitment.



The goal of the Telekom Fashion Fusion program is to use digital technologies to connect apparel, accessories, and devices together intelligently in ways that provide their users with new and innovative benefits.

Fashion Innovation Award

Fashion innovation Awards searches for young Tech and Digital companies who have a specific AI solution tailored for any step of the Fashion Retail supply chain, including production, inventory management, marketing and customer experience, logistics, etc.

Deep Tech Award Berlin

The awards are for application-oriented and proven solutions as well as products based on software and / or hardware, which are characterized by a high degree of innovation and great future potential.


Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Justina Siegmund-Born

Justina Siegmund-Born

Medien | Kreativwirtschaft |

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

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Berlin Fashion Week

Drei Models in bunten Kleidern auf der Berlin Fashion Week
© Caroline Kynast / BFW

30. Juni - 03. Juli 2025