Nationalities registered in Berlin

At the end of 2023, over 940,000 foreign residents from around 170 countries were registered in Berlin. The proportion of foreign citizens among all registered residents of Berlin was 24 percent on December 31, 2023.

Selection of states by continent with the most inhabitants:

Nationality (regions) Total
European countries 574,893
  Bulgaria 33,256
  France 19,484
  Italy 33,732
  Poland 54,099
  Romania 28,843
  Russian Federation 37,815
  Serbia* 21,305
  Spain 15,809
  Turkey 107,022
  Ukraine 62,495
  United Kingdom 15,699
African countries 47,898
  Egypt 7,357
  Nigeria 5,763
  Ghana 4,051
  Tunisia 3,994
  Cameroon 3,937
  Libya 2,633
  Morocco 2,512
American countries 55,913
  Argentina 2,853
  Brazil 8,993
  Canada 4,215
  Colombia 3,623
  Mexico 3,664
  United States 21,743
Asian countries 237,310
  Afghanistan 22,172
  China** 14,747
  India 33,257
  Iraq 10,027
  Iran 12,904
  Lebanon 9,384
  Pakistan 7,554
  Syria 48,301
  Vietnam 25,851
Australia and oceanic countries 4,780
Stateless, Unresolved 25,575
Total 946,369

*Including former "Serbia and Montenegro" and "Serbia (including Kosovo)"
**Including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

(Source: Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg 2024 - as at 12.31.2023)